i dont really have a title for this one because i half switched topics but its not important because this one matters more i have a lot of trouble coming out of my shell because im not sure if i should be doing what im doing or if its allowed, or what im doing is weird and if i should be laughed at for it, and i think i need a lot of reassurance that whatever im doing no matter how normal or weird is okay and im normal and dont deserve to be made fun of and having another person to follow after what they do and ask for help and guidance is incredibly helpful. it works and its what ive been doing for forever now but as im growing older im being forced to figure things out and grow on my own and not rely on anyone else for really anything but definitely not reminders that im not out of place for being myself and its okay and im not wrong in my entire being yeah so anyway i just constantly and naturally fall back into the way of thinking that i need to check if im not the only one with a different opinion from the group and if im allowed, or if others will allow me to exist in certain spaces. im constantly unsure of myself and anxious that im going to be berated for everything that i do if its not what everyone around me is doing. for just being myself and being a different person than everyone in the room constantly forcing myself to match anothers energy and opinions and shoving all of my own thoughts and feelings down and out that every time i have independent thoughts i even make jokes at myself that im being different and weird and that its wrong i forget about everything else and pick away the details and tiny things that make myself me so that i can fit straight into everyone else. which isnt what im trying to do anymore, ive thankfully realized how harmful it is to myself to be doing that, but learning and creating my own way of thinking that allows me to flow freely without ever stopping to think whether what im doing is worth being bullied for again. to stop worrying about the tinier details and smaller things and to look ahead of me and at the bigger picture and say im just being myself, its okay, what im doing should be encouraged and i dont deserve my peace to be interrupted in a way like this and dont you always find beauty and curiosity in things you know less about? and inspiration in the randomness of everything? i find that whenever i call something weird its in a positive and encouraging way and its good *because* its weird. it wouldnt be as appealing without whatevers so unconventional about it. that i want more of it theres always going to be people that dont agree with the things i do and think that i deserve to be laughed at for the way i am, but theres also always others that are going to look up to me and wish they were as brave as me for putting myself out there like this, and that support me for it. i do all of this for them and those that feel like they need someone else to guide them like i did, so that one day, they can grow past it and learn that they arent alone in this world that always pushes others to conform with their idea of how they should be. and lastly these images, that are perfect for this, that remind me that being ugly and different isnt bad and its exactly what this world needs more of!!!!! be authentic even if everyone spits in your face for it!!!!! the more the truth hurts the more it desperately needs to be said!!!!!!!
![]() BY GOD BE UGLY!!!!!!! ![]() your weirdest thoughts need to be shared!!!!!! ![]() STAND OUT!!!!!!!! DO NOT COMPLY!!!!!!!! |